Biscotts Cafe, Daybreak Utah


Biscotts Cafe, Daybreak Utah

May 2020

Initially, I was very against chalking on a wall when the idea was first presented to me. I was stuck in my ways and really not sure how I could stand for eight or more hours in a day.

This ended up being my first wall piece, a large scale black and white portrait. I love black and white portraits because only a few colors are required. At times, I find it more difficult to convey the emotions and expressions without my typical use of color. Quite often color is my defining skill and it’s very easy for me to rely on it to create my desired emotions.

I chalked this piece in one day and it was about eight by eight feet! Despite being a little faded, it still stands exposed after all this time.

Thank you Jason Yeaman for these pictures as well as all the other wonderful ones around Daybreak!


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